High Salt Diet Linked to Brain Decline New findings from a study conducted by Weill Cornell Medicine in New York find that excessive intake of salt could cause cognitive decline. Excessive sodium levels destabilize levels of the protein tau, which is linked to dementia. It also triggers the overproduction of a molecule that promotes inflammation. A diet high in sodium can also result in restricting blood flow to the brain. “The stuff that is bad for us doesn’t come from a salt shaker; it comes from processed food and restaurant food. We’ve got to keep salt in check. It can also affect the blood vessels of the brain and do so in a vicious way,” said Dr. Constantino Ladecola from Weill Cornell.
Urine Color What Does It Mean
According to Harvard Medical School, the color of your urine can be a strong health indicator. Most of the time, it should come out a pale-yellow color, but if you see changes in the color of your flow, you should think about consulting a doctor soon after.
Yogurt Plus Fiber Are Cancer Fighters
A recently published study in the medical journal JAMA Oncology found a relationship between diet and cancer prevention. The researchers focused on two types of foods: a prebiotic and a probiotic. Prebiotics support the growth of good gut bacteria, which naturally occur in fruits, vegetables, grains, and nuts. Probiotic foods contain microorganisms, and one of the best sources in our diets for this is yogurt. Recently, gut health has been a big focus of research. Having a happy gut results in a reduced risk of various diseases, heart disease, cancers, and other causes of premature death. This study was focused on the dietary changes as they related to lung cancer over a period of about nine years and analyzed over eighteen thousand participants. The team found that those that consumed the most fiber and yogurt had a seventeen to nineteen percent lower risk for developing lung cancer than those who ate the least.
Block The Blue Light
The blue light that emanates from your phone, computer screens, and household fixtures could be affecting your life span. Scientists studied the biology of the common fruit fly and found that those that spent 12 hours in blue light compared to those spending the same number of hours in darkness and or lightly filtered blue light have significantly longer life spans than those exposed to the damaging blue rays. Wearing eyeglasses with amber lenses will filter out the blue and protect your retinas. Also, check your devices, laptops, phones, and other devices that can be set to block the blue emissions.
Bring On The Beets
Their vibrant color is due in part to their high levels of vitamin B, iron, copper, magnesium, potassium, and manganese. They are easy to prepare roasted, or peel and shred them raw into soups and or salads. You can also get yourself some pickled ones and combine their disease-fighting nutrients with the gut boosting benefits of fermented foods at the same time