Is Fish Oil Too Good to be True? The fish oil supplement industry is a pretty successful one, expected to surpass $4 billion by the year 2022. Those that tout its glory say it can help with macular degeneration, rheumatoid arthritis pain, high cholesterol, asthma, depression, ADHD, heart disease, and better skin and hair. There are some studies that show positive effects from the supplements in reducing heart disease, but the studies are inconclusive. Some show benefits, some do not. The best way to get the Omega-3 fatty acids is to simply eat more fish, not buy these supplements. Eating fish and shellfish on a regular basis helps to cut the risk of stroke and dementia. “If there’s a rock-solid reason to supplement, then it’s to fulfill nutrient shortfalls for people who don’t consume enough fish,” says Duffy MacKay, ND, who is senior vice president of scientific & regulatory affairs at the Council for Responsible Nutrition, a trade association that represents dietary supplement manufacturers and ingredient suppliers.
Men are prone to Osteoporosis too While women are three times as likely to get osteoporosis, it is a condition that men can get too. The condition, which lowers bone density, leaves the body more prone to get injuries like a broken hip. Senior men often get misdiagnosed with this condition, making osteoporosis a severe disease for men. Men who suffer from a fractured hipbone are three times as likely to develop a serious illness, and/or die after the debilitating injury. Preventative measures include Vitamin D supplements and calcium supplements. Regular bone scans in men who do have osteoporosis and measuring levels of Vitamin D helps doctors treat the disease and determine if prescription medicines like Boniva, Actonel and Fosamax are needed
Chronic Stuffiness? You might have an allergy to dust mites. Dust mites are close relatives of ticks and spiders; they are too small to be seen without a microscope. These pesky little critters eat the skin cells shed by people and seem to thrive in warm, humid places in the home, such as bedding, upholstered furniture and carpets. Signs of this allergy are a constant runny nose, sneezing and difficulty breathing. A doctor can perform a test to determine if that is what might be causing your continuous stuffy nose. Treatment can include antihistamines, corticosteroids and decongestants. You can also combat symptoms by taking action in the home. Use allergen-proof bed coverings, wash bedding weekly in hot water, keep humidity low, remove dust with a damp rag to prevent it from becoming airborne, vacuum regularly with a HEPA filter vacuum, cut clutter that collects dust, consider replacing carpets with hard flooring and install a filter in your air conditioning unit.
Cut Down on “Ultra-Processed” Foods A recent study showed that a 10% increase in ultra-processed foods resulted in a 14% increase in death from all causes. Minimally processed foods are ones closest to the food’s original form, such as bagged salads, frozen fruit, canned tuna and canned beans. Ultra-processed foods are those found in prepackaged foods that typically contain five or more ingredients and may contain hydrogenated oils, dyes or flavor enhancers. Think bottled sodas, cookies, cakes, chicken nuggets, ice cream, jarred pasta sauce, instant sauces, frozen pizzas and hot dogs, to name a few. Nutritionists are not saying you start tossing out all the foods you love, just try and limit them and try to create homemade versions of your favorites, which will ultimately be better for your health. Recall advice from famed food author Michael Pollan: “Don’t eat anything your great-grandmother wouldn’t recognize as food.”